2024 Schedule

Level 2 & 3 Intensive Courses

Graduates receive certification as 

'Advanced Marconic Practitioners'

Completion of Level 1 and a Marconic Recalibration is required for the Level 2 & 3 Intensive Course. 

Level 2 'Integrated Chakra Unification' + Level 3 'Quantum' Recalibration 

Intensive Rates:

United States: $1,260

United Kingdom:  £1,100

Canada: $1,260

Spain: €790

Germany: €1,100
Japan ¥190,000

Level 2 & 3 Intensive Courses:

Level II Marconics 'Integrated Chakra Unification'

Level III Marconics 'Quantum' Recalibration

Practitioner Certification Training

click here or scroll down to view the 2024 schedule

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'Integrated Chakra Unification'

Level II

The subtle bodies that we have worked with as healers prior to 2012, have been contained in a self-sustaining energy system, fed by the 7 (major) chakras, which had been ‘nipped’ at the spine at the end of the last Ascension cycle trapping our experiences as we process them through this limited system. This congestion creates the karmic debris that holds us in density for the third dimensional experience.

Learn how to perform the Integrated Chakra Unification, a psychic surgery creating a permanent upgrade in the human vehicle. This upgrade enables the recipient to liberate themselves from their own Karmic creations and return to the 30ft auric field and multidimensional chakra system used in the higher dimensions, which includes fully activated galactic chakras and higher functioning thymus, pineal and pituitary glands. 

'Quantum' Recalibration

Level III

The 'Quantum' Recalibration is the process through which human bodies (etheric and physical) are being re-tuned/ re-structured/ re-calibrated to survive and thrive in those higher dimensions by reconnecting the individual back to Source via the galactic core, and upgrading the current double star tetrahedron lightbody to the the Quantum Merkaba.

In the 3D system, energy is drawn up through the core of the body and spills out from the crown and down again in a cycle that creates an energy torus. But this Torus is a closed system, a finite energy torus in a finite quantum field, which over time is weakening. The planet herself also exists in a closed quantum field of energy, which will eventually burn itself out, if Earth doesn’t return to the Galactic Core and complete her Shift.

Level 2 & 3 Intensives

Take Level 2 & 3 over the same 3-day weekend 

at a special rate



August 5 - 7 Edison, NJ - led by Robin Landau, Master Teacher

August 9 - 11 Nashua, NH - led by Leah Landry, Master Teacher

August 9 - 11 Austin, TX - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher

August 19 - 21 New York, NY - led by Robin Landau, Master Teacher

August 26 - 28 Denver, CO - led by Tawney Pierce, Master Teacher

September 7 - 9 Salt Lake City, UT - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher

October 26 - 28 Boone, NC - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher

October 28 - 30 Rockaway Park, NY - led by Robin Landau, Master Teacher

October 30 - November 1  Austin, TX - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher

November 1 - 3 Nashua, NH - led by Leah Landry, Master Teacher

November 15 - 17 Longmont, CO - led by Tawney Pierce, Master Teacher

Level 2 & 3 Intensives

Take Level 2 & 3 over the same 3-day weekend

at a special rate



March 29 - 31  London, England - led by Reiko Mori, Master Teacher



¥ 190,000


7月5日~7日 東京  ~ 東京、日本:マスターティーチャーの森玲子が教える

Level 2 & 3 Intensives

Take Level 2 & 3 over the same 3-day weekend

at a special rate



July 23 - 25 Burlington, ON - led by Melinda Asztalos. Advanced Teacher

October 21 - 23 Burlington, ON -  led by Melinda Asztalos. Advanced Teacher

Nivel 2 y 3 Intensivos

Tome los niveles 2 y 3 durante el mismo fin de semana de 3 días

a una tarifa especial

790 €


2 - 4 de Septiembre - Bilbao, España


Marconics Level 2-3 Fortgeschrittenenkur sind auf Anfrage auch in Deutschland verfügbar und können sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch unterrichtet werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Marconics-Lehrerin Andrea Huse per E-Mail, um einen Termin zu vereinbaren. andreahuse@gmx.de